My day started today with being woken up at 4am by banshee-like wailing from the upstairs of my house. I jump out of the bed, step on the cat and bang my shin on the chair. I stumble to the door and flip the light switch...wait...I flip it off then on again...and then again. I don't know WHY I did it three times...did I think that would actually ACCOMPLISH anything? LOL So, the power is out and now I know why the bashee upstairs my 5yr old is wailing. He does not like to sleep in the complete dark. So, up I go to settle him down. Just when he is asleep, my 4yr old starts...So I lay down with him. At this point I am thinking..."why is my butt wet?" I jump out of the bed and ask him, "did you wet the bed?" to which he replies, "No, my pajamas just got wet with water." Mmm-Hmmm, sure they did... So now I am stripping son and bed, in the dark, with a wet butt. Did I mention that we have a well, so no power also means no water? After I clean him with cold baby wipes, I stumble back downstairs to get myself clean and dry. At this point, the bashee resumes wailing and I make a mad dash back up the stairs. Now my DD is up and wondering how she is going to get dressed in the, back down the stairs I go to get a flashlight. OF COURSE, the first one I pick up doesn't work...I flip it off and on several times (why do I PERSIST in thinking this will work?) Once I get DD dressed and out the door, I fall onto my DS's bed and the next thing I know, it is 5 minutes after 8AM....WHAT!?!?!?!?! (school starts at 7:50AM) The mad-dash-to-get-the-boys-dressed-and-out-the-door swings in to action and as I drop the last one off, I remember that I am supposed to be spending the day at a friend's house because she has been sick and her DH is out of town today. SOOOO, I race down the road to her house. On the way, I look in the rearveiw mirror to find a Hardin County Sheriff following me. YIKES!!!!! (Did I mention that my inspection sticker is expired and my DH has been NAGGING gently reminding me for 15 days to get it done?) Love you, Honey! *kiss* I do a quick scan of my surroundings and see a QuickLube that I can swing into. Nonchalantly, I put on my blinker (as if that was my plan all along)...he puts on his blinker...DOUBLE YIKES!!!!! While I am waiting to turn, he goes around me. YESSSS!!!! I get my car inspected, head to my friend's house and collapse into the easy chair. At this point, I am hoping my day will improve. So far, so good!
Here are some cards that I made last night...

I cheated on these...the stuff came in a kit! LOL But, I think they turned out pretty good! The second one seemed a little drab, so I added glitter gel and that did the trick.
Here's hoping your day continues to get better. Nothing worse than waking up to a scream!
Shannon, at least your day ended a little better - you won my blog candy! Please contact me so I can send it to you!!! ~Cindy E.
You are so funny, and I can so relate to the stuff that happens to you, it all happened to me when my kids were small, with bells on.
En xx
Oh my! I have had a few of those days!
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